Tuesday, January 26, 2010
What is wrong with me? Why can't I get motivated? Do I seriously want to be this stinkin' weight for the rest of my life? NO! But, I can't seem to get up off my fat ass long enough to do anything about it. Ugh. Gross. I'm gross.
Kyle, Amber and I walked everyday last week and I stayed completely on plan. NO cheating whatsoever. Guess how many pounds I lost? Yep, you got it...goose egg. Does anyone know how frustrating this is? It makes me want to scream! So, between Jillian's "Last Chance Workout", walking/running AND eating healthy...I feel like I should be seeing some sort of results. But, it's just not happening.
You know, starting this diet for the first time was a lot easier that getting re-started. :( I'm depressed about my weight loss and the fact that I'm not getting any results. And this causes me to not want to try and go by McDonald's on the way home. How about a great big french fry? Maybe a beer or two when I get home too. Geez!!
Well, that's my serious vent. I needed to get it out. I can't keep telling myself, "don't worry...keep plugging. You'll get there..." It's getting depressing.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Are you kidding me?

"Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and boys are just people to have fun with."
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
thank you, jillian, thank you.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
rip cavalac.


Say goodbye to her. :(
hiya guys.

Sunday, September 27, 2009
I promise I'll do better...

Happy Birthday to Meee!! :)

Okay, okay. Weight loss. I really haven't lost anything since I've been here. :( I've gotten 59 pounds off and kept them off but it's beginning to get VERY difficult. So, I've started Jillian's 30 Day Shred again. I moved up to level 2 tonight. Geez, I'm sure I'll feel that in the morning. I'm looking at some different gyms around here because I know I reallyyy need to get back in there. Although the scale shows no significant difference, I feel fatter. Is that weird? I've been staying on plan with my eating ever since I arrived but I took a month long hiatus from any type of exercise except for some brisk walking at my high schools track. I just don't feel good. I need that "WOW look at the scale" feeling again. Any pointers? I'm hoping The Biggest Loser will help me with inspiration. I usually don't get to watch full episodes because I have class that night but for the past two weeks, it has really gotten me motivated! Why can't I get my fat ass off the couch and exercise if those people are? So, keep your fingers crossed for me that my motivation returns full force and I can get these last 20 pounds off!! :)
So, I promise I'll do better about updating. I have more time now that I'm settled into a routine. And I have seriously been missing your blogs!! :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009

This is from the first night I moved back. Me and the girls went out on the town! :)